Tennessee GOP Mounts Full Court Press to Defeat Self-Described ‘Liberal Atheist Activist’ in 14th State Senate District Special Election

With the 14th State Senate District special election set for just six days from now on Tuesday March 13th, Tennessee Republicans are mounting an all-hands-on-deck attack on Democrat Gayle Jordan as she faces off against Republican Shane Reeves in the contest to determine who will replace former State Senator Jim Tracy (R-Shelbyville), who resigned in November to take a position in the Trump administration.

Jordan, the Democratic candidate, is a self-described “hippie liberal atheist activist” who officiates same sex weddings and jokes about “doing her part to destroy the fabric of American society.”

Since 2016 Jordan has served as the Executive Director of Recovering from Religion, a Kansas City-based non-profit that works to lead Christians away from faith.

As of this writing, the Recovering from Religion Twitter account features Jordan on its cover image.

In their announcement of Jordan, they noted that she took particular pride in her fundraising prowess and that she was “instrumental in bringing in a $13 million soccer complex to her hometown in Tennessee:”

Recovering From Religion Names New Executive Director

Kansas City, KS—Recovering from Religion is delighted to announce that Gayle Jordan has been named as its Executive Director beginning January 2016. Jordan brings extensive organizational and fundraising experience to the position, along with her education and skills as a community organizer. She was instrumental in bringing a $13 million soccer complex to her town in Tennessee. She is a former church leader, serving as her church’s Dave Ramsey-certified financial advisor. She has been a small business owner and is an attorney and member of the California Bar.

Incoming Executive Director, Gayle Jordan stated, “As someone who has made the transition from faith, I am thrilled to see a resource like Recovering from Religion available to people who are reconsidering the role of religion in their lives. Leaving one’s faith can be traumatic and costly, and the foundation seeks to ease the stress of that transition.”

RfR President, Dr. Darrel Ray said, “Gayle brings a depth of experience and drive that will help us grow to meet the needs of the thousands of people looking for help. She is a proven leader with vision and boundless energy which will lead Recovering from Religion to new levels as we work to serve the needs of those leaving religion.”

Recovering from Religion, founded by Dr. Darrel Ray in 2009, is unwavering in its commitment to provide immediate, compassionate support for individuals anywhere along the spectrum of doubt. Recovering from Religion includes The Hotline Project, which gives 24-hour support, and the Secular Therapist Project, which provides sources for more in-depth counseling, and local support groups which provide community and a listening ear for the questions and frustrations that accompany what is often a seismic change in thought process, attitude, and outlook.


Recovering from Religion is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit dedicated to assisting people who experience emotional and practical issues as a result of leaving their faith.

Her biography touts:

Gayle is a former Southern Baptist who left the faith 10 years ago when her then-teenagers began asking questions she could not answer. Her research led her (and her children) into the light of reason and rationality. Years later, she still feels the effects, both positive and negative, of that dramatic shift in perspective and attitude. It is this sympathy and compassion that drives her to reach out to help others navigate the emotional and physical process involved in leaving one’s faith.

Gayle is an attorney and former personal trainer. She lives on Freethought Farm in middle Tennessee, where she spends her days amongst her longhorns, goats, donkeys, chickens, and dogs. She blogs about life on the farm, endurance event training, and secularism at Happy. Healthy. Heathen. 

“Happy. Healthy. Heathen.” is Jordan’s long-time blog that appears to have posts dating from as late as December 2008.

Tom Humphrey reported that State GOP Chairman Scott Golden “issued a press release calling on the two Democratic candidates for governor, Karl Dean and Craig Fitzhugh, to denounce Jordan as an example of ‘extremism in their party.'”

Republican Lt. Governor Randy McNally declared on Facebook, “In my 40+ years in politics, I’ve seen few candidates as dangerous as Gayle Jordan. We need to strongly reject her assault on faith and our Tennessee values. District 14 needs to send @ReevesforTN to the @tnsenate on March 13!”


When Jordan is not billing herself as an atheist activist, she appeals for voters to support her in order to “bring compassion and reason to the 14th District.”


Her campaign website proudly displays six endorsements from leftist organizations including the union giant AFL-CIO (via a donation), the Freethought Equality Fund PAC (promoting atheists in office),  and Planned Parenthood.

Republican Shane Reeves announced a rally featuring Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) and Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN-04) will be held Saturday morning on March 10 followed by a get-out-the-vote Day of Action.



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16 Thoughts to “Tennessee GOP Mounts Full Court Press to Defeat Self-Described ‘Liberal Atheist Activist’ in 14th State Senate District Special Election”

  1. Bruce

    Having lived in this district for 15 years. I’m not going to vote for either candidate. Reeves slung all kinds of mud and deserves whatever criticism he gets for it. his campaign shows he has no character. The only thing I’ve seen of her, is her legalize cannabis you tube add. So with all the issues of the day, getting high is her main concern. Wish we had an adult to choose from !

  2. Bruce

    If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray,and seek my face and repent and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and heal their land. Let’s do that and leave the rest up to him who said he would if we will. That’s how Trump won. It will work in this election as well.

    God Bless America and heal our land

  3. Bill E.

    Another disillusioned person who went to to church once upon on a time not to give praise and glory to her creator, but to socialize or maybe use the house of worship for political gain. If she would have accepted God into her life she wouldn’t be playing God now by condoning godless agendas. Sorry Gayle, but remember if you actually ever listened at church, if we deny Christ on earth, he will deny us to his father in heaven. I don’t want my reward to be here on earth, it’s only a blink of an eye. I will however keep you in my prayers that you will wake up before it’s too late.

    1. Josh B.

      If you spent less time judging and more time learning your civics, you would know we don’t apply religious tests to our elected officials in America. That’s some plain old middle east thinking,.

  4. James R Lundquist

    Gayle Jordan is another socialist nut case seeking to destroy our free enterprise, capitalist society along with denying our Christian beliefs. If elected, she will bring chaos to our state capital.

  5. Ned T

    Hold on—if this wingnut promotes using the gov’t to abolish the free exercise of religion, why cannot a person of faith use it to establish religion?

    Did I miss something in the 1st Amendment?

  6. Ken M

    Well are all Atheist on this blessed day!

  7. Austin

    Why is being a nut case seem to automatically make a person a Democrat?

    1. Papa

      As they say, if the shoe fits. . . . . . .! This nut case and others like her not only gives the party a bad name, but too many of the party will support her simply because she is a democrat without knowing what she stands for. Just more proof liberalism is a mental disorder.

  8. lb

    Wow how far the dems have fallen–and how did she get this far? Man people can be woefully sheepish in their voting–this is shocking

    1. Stuart I. Anderson

      Look at the bright side, at least now we no know for sure that Shane Reeves simply has to be more conservative than her!

  9. Papa

    All this stupidity is not by accident but by design. “I will fundamentally change America” did not stop when Hussein O left the White House. In 2009 Hussein O created Organizing for America. Madam Hussein O changed the name to ‘Organizing for Action’ (OFA) to do exactly what we are seeing here and to preserve Hussein O’s legacy funded by the likes of George Soros and the elite left. Hussein O’s “brown shirts” have 250 offices and 30,000 members to promote the turmoil and rhetoric we see today. VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!

  10. Jane

    If she wants to “destroy” the fabric of America, isn’t she admitting that her way is destructive and negative? I believe she is part of an army of those who have been deployed, along with immigrants and refugees, and strategically transplanted in places around our country for the purpose of continuing the “fundamental transformation” of our republic.

  11. Ralph

    Article 9, Sec. 2 of the Tennessee Constitution:
    “”Section 2. No person who denies the being of God, or a future state of rewards and punishments, shall hold any office in the civil department of this state.”

    Article 11, Sec. 18 of the Tennessee Constitution”
    “Section 18. The historical institution and legal contract solemnizing the relationship of one man and one woman shall be the only legally recognized marital contract in this state. Any policy or law or judicial interpretation, purporting to define marriage as anything other than the historical institution and legal contract between one man and one woman, is contrary to the public policy of this state and shall be void and unenforceable in Tennessee. If another state or foreign jurisdiction issues a license for persons to marry and if such marriage is prohibited in this state by the provisions of this section, then the marriage shall be void and unenforceable in this state. ”

    So, what am I missing here? Why was this candidate even allowed to register with our Secretary of State, let alone publicly campaign on an atheistic platform that is blatantly unconstitutional? Moreover, she is proud of officiating at homosexual ceremonies that, again, are not recognized as “marriages” by our state Constitution.

    1. Stuasrt I. Anderson

      In 1961 the Supreme Court in Torcaso v. Watkins struck down religious tests for any office in the United States as violating the 1st Amendment religion clauses. ln 2015 in Obergefell v. Hodges the Supreme Court struck down laws prohibiting same sex marriage throughout the U. S. as violating the 14th Amendment.

      We live in as democratic a country as the Supreme Court allows it to be. No, there’s not a darn thing you can do about it other than to make sure you vote for the most conservative candidate for U. S. Senate that is running in every Republican Primary and then again in the general election. For example, this November please be sure and vote for Marsha Blackburn who will be certainly support conservatives chosen for the Supreme Court. As for Bredesen, who knows, but he will be under great pressure to do the opposite from his fellow Democrats.

    2. Josh B

      Because the US constitution super-cedes the Tennessee constitution. It’s really that simple. Article 11 Section 18 has already been rendered unconstitutional by the supreme court of the united states. Section 2 will be as well, if she were to win and the state refused to seat her.
